Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Legitimate GPT sites

Here is the compilation of Legitimate GPT sites that I have come across. I have proof of payment for some, others I don't yet.

I have been paid several times from Cashcrate. I don't have payment proof yet as my scanner is broken, but I will have a new one by the time I receive my next check.

Getpaidto--This site is FANTASTIC! There is no minimum payout. I have been paid as little as .50! Proof of payment coming.

Get Paid To

CashLagoon-Another site ran by the same people as Getpaidto. Minimum payout is just 2.00!

Cash Lagoon

Squishycash-another great site--proof of payment coming

Fusion--I have been paid many times from Fusion--

Free Money at FusionCash!

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